About the Alignment Ball

Fruit of the work of an enthusiasts team, inspired by the high level and intended for all golfers, I present you the Alignment Ball! Our challenge: help you to progress. Our solution: a beautiful tool design to help you  improve your practice session. Quick to set up, easy to use, terribly effective, we are proud to introduce you the Alignment ball. Join our community and share our philosophy:



Why the Alignment Ball?


Working for golf, playing golf, talking about golf, dreaming about golf… Always look for little tips to better understand the swing, try out the latest equipment, travel to see major tournaments…. Some have their heads perched in the stars, ours is rolling on the greens! It is from this love for the game that the alignment ball was born. This passion is the guarantee of a high quality tool, designed and manufactured by golfers for golfers!


Why do the pros putt under a string and I don't? Why do the pros use an alignment stick to warm up and I don't? We have often asked ourselves this question and the answer seems obvious to us today! Because it's boring! The string, you have to tear your nails to unknot it each time you want to use it! And the alignment sticks, they move constantly and it's really painful to pick up a new ball! It's not easy the life of an amateur golfer who doesn't have a loyal dedicated caddy 😉 We wanted to take up the challenge of changing the standard to offer you a new tool, more fun and more suitable than an old piece of string or a baguette !


As Gary Player says so well, "the more I train, the luckier I get"! However, we all know a golfer who spends hours at the driving range and yet never progresses. Don't be that golfer! The practice is not made to repeat a thousand times a bad shot, it is made to progress! Building good practice habits is the best way to improve your score on the course. With the alignment ball, we provide you with a tool that will serve as a marker in all game compartments to improve your training sessions! Good golf to all.